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服務項目 Service Plan

新娘秘書服務 Bridal Makeup and Styling


單儀式無宴客 Single ritual styling (造型結束後離開)

 NT 11,800


雙儀式無宴客 Double rituals styling

(儀式於中午12點前結束 All done before 12nn)

 NT 16,800


Lunch Banquet (with/without single ritual)

 造型數 no. of style: 2-3

  NT 21,800


Lunch Banquet with double rituals

 造型數 no. of style: 3-4

  NT 22,800

晚宴加 NT3,000 

附贈簡單新郎造型 (限同一地點)

 另加購婆婆、媽媽單妝 NT 1,500/單髮 NT 1,200

 另加購親友單妝 NT1,200/單髮 NT1,000

​(由助理老師負責造型, 每位老師酌收車馬費500元~

Styling for bridegroom are included (same places with bride)

    Makeup/hair style for MUMs

        NT 1,500/NT 1,200 each makeup/each hairstyle

    Makeup or hair style for bridesmaids/siblings/friends

        NT 1,200 each makeup/NT1,000 each hairstyle

(Makeup assistant will be responsible for styling)

* 新竹地區免車馬費

* 偏遠地區請提供前一晚住宿(大台北及桃竹苗地區除外)車馬費實報實銷

* 早上6點以前開妝需加早妝費NT800/半小時

* 單造型/晚宴服務如有借用飾品,需收押金 NT1,000,押金將於飾品歸還確認無誤後全數退還
* 當天髮型造型皆以LINE方式線上討論, 配飾上有任何需求, 歡迎跟小月討論, 保證讓妳安心當最美最UNIQUE的新娘

* No transportation fee for Hsinchu district.

* Accommodation for the wedding day or the day before should be included and transportation should be arranged for banquet outside Hsinchu. (Taipei, Taoyuan and Miaoli are excluded)

* Additional NT800/half hour for any makeup started before 6am

* 試妝費用 NT 3,000, 當天下訂可折抵 NT 1,000

* Makeup trial fee NT 3,000, NT 1,000 can be waived if contract is signed right after trial service

​自助婚紗造型 Pre-wedding Styling


Makeup and hairdo for photo-shooting (5hrs)

NT 10,800 (以拍攝5小時計算)

* 拍攝時間以造型結束開始計算 NT 1000/hr

​* Hourly fee NT 1,000 after finishing the 1st style


​宴會妝髮造型 Event Makeup & Styling

簡單妝髮 Simple makeup and Hairdo

NT 3,000一位/person


Simple false eyelashes are included

* 3妝髮以上及新竹市內免車馬費

* No transportation fee is required for 2 styles within Hsinchu city

修眉服務 Eyebrow trimming

NT 180一位/person

* 恕不設到府服務,請先預約

* Service is applied in studio only, please make appointment in advance

​彩妝課程 Make up courses

個人彩妝課程 Personal Makeup Course (3hrs)

NT 4,200


Course details will be personalized, please contact Moon for more details.

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